Monday, April 27, 2015

Dear MUAC,
I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful products.
In college, I had terrible acne. There were days where my skin would literally peel off from my face. I had cystic under-the-skin, pustules that left many red marks and scars that I still deal with today. Through trial and (many!) errors I found that, for my skin, if I treated it less like a battlefield, my skin wouldn't always be so red, angry, dry, and inflamed. I found rescue in the fade peel for my scars. 

My best friend initially gave me the Fade Peel kit because she has been with me for over 15 years and watched me go through the war with my skin. After giving the Fade Peel a try and really sticking to a schedule, not just doing a peel whenever, I truly started to see a change in my skin. After finishing the kit, I went and bought my own. It has been almost 2 months since buying it and it still works. My skin is more even, less red, and I don't feel the need to slather my face in concealer and foundation to go out in the world. I barely wear makeup to work anymore! 

Thank you MUAC, for making such incredible products that deliver on what they promise. It has changed my life and made me a forever customer. I am excited to try more products and see how far my skin can really go in improving!
In the picture you can see a close up of in-between my eyebrows. So red! So bumpy! Makeup couldn't even really cover it. In the next picture, you see how clear my skin is today. 

Before (look between brows)
