Thursday, March 5, 2015

I've been using MUAC for a little over a year and can finally say I'm comfortable in my own skin!!

A little back history, I started breaking out at 10years old! Going through junior high and high school with acne was a harrowing experience! I tried every dermatologist in the tri-state area, was prescribed topicals, oral antibiotics, had laser treatments, and nothing gave me any last results!

After my 30th birthday I decided I needed to try something else. A friend suggested peels, so I started my research. MUAC's customer service was so amazing in healing me find appropriate products for my acne prone, but still very sensitive skin!

I've been using the 40% lactic peel once every day ten days, the Triple Enzyme Peel once 4 days post lactic peel. And the BellEvolve Lac-Lauronic serum, Peptide Serum w/botanicals nightly as maintenance.

I have been so pleased with my results! My acne has cleared up, and all my acne scars have pretty much faded away!!! I can leave me house with just mascara and lip gloss on my face now, and any acne sufferer know what a huge joy that is.

Thank you MUAC for saving my skin!!

