Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hi, my name is Stephanie. I wanted to write you to tell you that your products have changed my life for the better.

I am a former smoker and sun worshiper. By the time I was 27, I already had wrinkling around my eyes and forehead, along with liver spots that were mostly on my nose and on my cheeks. I also would still suffer the occasional acne breakout too. To say the least, I was not happy with these changes to my skin. I felt like I looked older than my actual age. My confidence began to suffer.I read so many positive things about your products from researching anti-aging procedures, I decided to place an order. I started with lactic acid peels. After a while I ordered the Jessner's and 15% TCA from you. I gradually began increasing the percentage of TCA for my peels.

I am so happy to say that my liver spots and lines are no more and I haven't had a single acne breakout since I started using your Jessner's peel. I absolutely am loving my skin now. People now say I look younger than my 28 years as opposed to thinking I am my mid 30s.

I am so thankful I found your site, and your quality products! Not to mention the money you have saved me as well! I can't imagine paying hundreds or even thousands for peels or laser rejuvenation.

I have attached pictures of my skin before any peels, during one of my latest peels, and the most recent picture. Notice how the liver spots and lines are gone with an overall increase in the radiance of my skin.

Take a look!

Before                         During                        After