Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I had all intentions to wait until at least 4 weeks into doing the peels to write a testimonial but I am so excited about the results in just two weeks of usage, I absolutely couldn’t contain my words any longer. I have attached pics and as you can tell from my scars, they are of the same person. I used no filter and these photos were taken under the same lighting with the same camera.

I must say that I am not surprised, just pleasantly pleased. After weeks of research and me trying to convince myself I just needed more water, I gave in and ordered your 25% Mandelic Acid. I waited for my delivery with anxious excitement. Within 5 days I had it (USPS mis-shipped else it would have been sooner). That evening I applied the Mandelic acid. It “stung” a lot more than I expected but I’m sure not as much as another acid or TCA. I followed the directions to the t’s and i’s. The rinsing seemed to intensify the “sting” but again it was tolerable. I thought I had made a mistake in choosing to do a peel and was beginning to worry about the result. I saw areas that were ‘frosted” and really worried that maybe the acid was too strong for my “virgin” face. After day three I saw peeling (pic attached). I didn’t expect peeling because a lot of reviews about Mandelic Acid peels didn’t mention peeling. So again the worry but after I saw what was underneath and the noticeable difference with my texture and tone my excitement rose to do it again that Wednesday (1 week after the 1st peel). My blackheads are gone, my scars have faded (peeled away) and my few pimples left without leaving “baggage”.

I have done another peel (peeling/flaking pics are from this peel but the first peel was similar) and I’m waiting to see what wonderful results come from that one. I plan on doing them every week up to four. I want to try a stronger TCA maybe the 8% but I know I have to “train” my skin to this. I will definitely keep you guys posted on my results and will forward pictures.

I just wanted to take this time to say THANK YOU for having such an affordable solution to what bothers sooo many people.

Before After Before After