I have struggled with closed comedones for about a year, when it finally got to its worse stage in the top photo I decided to order the 40% mandelic acid peel and boy am I glad I did!
After trying so many different over the counter products to no avail I was beginning to lose hope!
After doing just one mandelic acid peel I could already see the closed comedones getting smaller and less angry! (Second photo from top)
Then after 6 peels, one every week, it was almost like they had all gone! (Third photo from the top) I was beginning to feel more confident and loved the feeling of not wearing makeup when leaving the house.
A month after my 6 mandelic acid peels and my skin is so much clearer, I've just started a sample of the fade peel and am seeing great results on the little bit of scarring I had left (fourth photo from the top)
Thankyou so so much Makeup Artists Choice I don't think I could ever be without your amazing products!!!