Friday, October 23, 2015

I'm 32 years old. I grew up with acne prone skin. In my 20s my skin became awesome. As I head into my 30s I'm much more exhausted and it shows in my skin. I've had a bad breakout recently on the right side of my face and I'm a picker which doesn't help. It was to the point that even makeup wasn't helping. So I came back to the one spot that I know I could get some help. I've tried mandelic acid in 25% over a year ago. I had the 40% Mandelic Acid Peel and Micro Polish but hadn't used it much...but this time around I decided to try the Gly-luronic serum..the Super C& E..the .50 Retinol...and long with the Micro Polish and 40% Mandelic Acid....and already just one week later I can see the difference. My skin feels soft immediately after I cleanse with the Green Tea/Pomegranate Cleanser then I put on the Gly-luronic serum every night and morning. With makeup powder only my skin is I just have to wait on my rough picking to heal and continue the method. I believe I've found the exact 5 products my skin needs.. and one good cleanser. I'm in a very hot state so I'm sure as winter comes and I keep this up...I will be clear and makeup less by next summer. I'm very excited and glad I came back to the place I know I can get great quality products at great prices. In these pictures you can see how some of my dark spots have faded and pores have shrunken.

Using products for one week.

Using products for 3 weeks.