Friday, July 11, 2014

I have been meaning to write a testimonial for awhile and have finally gotten around to doing it! 

My story is very similar to some people on here, pretty clear skin through my teen years,  and after I hit 25 my skin started acting up. I started sprouting hideous and painful cystic acne on my cheek and jaw area. 

I went the BP route with no avail, tried several other OTC medication with little luck. I finally relented and went to a derm who put me on retin A. It seemed to temporarily help but my skin did not improve by much. 

I read great reviews online about the MUAC mandelic acid serum and peel, and decided to give it a try( with help from the lovely ppl at MUAC of course)! Obviously it wasn't an overnight solution but regular use of this coupled with the glyluronic serum has really helped improve my skin in general. 

The hyperpigmentation has near faded and I have no stubborn blackheads to deal with anymore. Yay! And the best part, I don't wake up with 5 different zits everyday! :) Thank you MUAC for giving us a line of products that work! :) And goes without saying that your service is absolutely fantastic!