I had a laser skin treatment session in 2013 that clearly went horribly wrong. I had told the technician that I have sensitive skin on my left cheek, and I believe she must have used too high of a setting because I can't think of any other explanation. I noticed two days after the procedure a deep unsurfaced pimple on my left cheek, and slowly over the next few weeks I started getting more and more (see first photo). I suffered for at least 6-8+ months with these types of pimples which I had never had in my entire life (I normally only got 1-2 routine pimples during my menstrual cycle, but they were never cystic). These new pimples were deep, very painful, and some of them left depressed scars that I still have to this day. In my desperation, I tried many different products and techniques to address these new lesions, and looking back I'm pretty sure these exacerbated the condition. Eventually, I followed the advise to leave my skin alone and let it heal/calm down, and eventually the acne went away but I was left with a lot of scarring, hyperpigmentation and extremely low self esteem (see second photo). I remember going to the mall and finding a shirt I really liked, but I didn't let myself buy it because I thought "What's the point? All anybody will look at is how terrible my skin looks." Makeup Artist's Choice has saved my skin and self esteem. The third picture is my left cheek today, after alternating between the Fade Peel, Mandelic Acid Peel weekly, and keeping a simple, calming routine for my skin. For the first time in about 4 years, I can look in the mirror and not start crying. I can't thank MUAC enough for the affordable, high-quality products they offer, they really saved my skin.