Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hello! Attached are my photos of me before and after--SUCH an improvement!

I am a long time sufferer of acne and have had pits and scars on my cheeks and jawline since high school. Last year I broke out terribly and was left with severe hyperpigmentation as well as a lot of small pits all across the surface of my face. No matter how many creams or prescription meds I tried, nothing would take away those angry red marks.

After a friend of mine showed me the results she attained from using her Makeup Artist's Choice 12.5% TCA peel I asked her if I could try it on my own skin. I was shocked by the results. 95% of my red marks were DRAMATICALLY faded and my skin was smoother and felt tighter. I was able to feel comfortable walking out my front door without slathering makeup on my face for the first time in a long time!

All of the harsh chemicals I've used on my skin fighting acne have taken a toll on it and this product made my skin feel rejuvenated. I'm so sad I spent so much time and money on other products when this is the only one I should have ever invested in in the first place. I definitely want to purchase a bottle of my own!

Thank you so much for providing a quality product that really works. I can't tell you what it means to those of us that suffer from hyperpigmentation to have something that is not a scam or a $500 procedure to turn to for help.



Los Angeles, California